Join Susan and gather some empowering life skills to find your inner freedom, radiate your personal brilliance and live a rich and opulent life. Susan helps strong, capable women who have pockets of self doubt, access their inner wisdom and clarify their Truths. Susan’s personal journey of removing energetic blocks within herself, tearing down barriers to personal success and happiness and building an inner foundation of love and courage, informs every conversation.Having come from a background in television and broadcast radio, Susan brings thought provoking guests to her show, asking the question of “How do you live an empowered life filled with freedom and happiness?” The conversations are always rich, peppered with guided meditations, mantras and the how-tos of living a mindful life. To learn more about Susan check out her website: SusanBurrell.com

39 minutes ago
All that is Possible
39 minutes ago
39 minutes ago
EP. #314 - All that is Possible, an interview with Astrologer and Author, Kate Rose
I am delighted to welcome Kate Rose back for an encore chat about her book, Written in the Stars.
In this episode we touch on the Astrology for this year of 2025 and we also talk about Twin Flames and what they represent in relationship to our individuality and in partnership with someone else. And it’s not what you think.
Ultimately what Kate and I explore is the time in space we are currently occupying and how we are all being affected. I believe we are all here to be open-hearted and we are here to learn about how to give and receive love.
The month of March is particularly intense and transformative. Venus, the love planet is in retrograde for most of this month. Through the early part of the month many of us will be dealing with issues we haven’t wanted to face but can no longer ignore. When Venus comes out of retrograde and begins a forward movement we too will feel the energy shift and be ready to look forward. March 27th ends Venus in retrograde.
This time in the collective is important, it is a time for us to collectively understand the oneness of the all.
As Kate so aptly put it, “As long as we are seeking power, we will not be able to seek the truth.”
To access Kate’s book, “Written in the Stars” visit: WordsOfKateRose.com/bookskaterose
To learn more about Kate visit: WordsOfKateRose.com
To learn more about how I show up in the world visit: SusanBurrell.com

Friday Mar 07, 2025
Ancestral Clearing
Friday Mar 07, 2025
Friday Mar 07, 2025
EP. #313 - Ancestral Healing, a solo show with your host Susan Burrell
Fear, anger and feeling devalued are often handed down for generations until it is a part of our behaviors and beliefs that also can become part of the collective consciousness. It is often why sustainable change is a challenge because we are unaware that we have become our ancestors.
Clearing the oaths, vows and beliefs that have been passed down through the generations can make room for new behaviors and development of our inner gifts.
In this solo podcast I explore ancestral lineage and how behaviors and norms are passed down from generation to generation in a way that it becomes the fabric of our existence and our family story.
When those wounds and beliefs are cleared it makes room for the development of your inner gifts and allows for the release of what no longer serves you.
To learn more about my one-day workshop, "Ancestral Clearing" taking place in Ventura, California on April 6, 2025 please follow this link:
To learn more about how I show up in the world check out my website: SusanBurrell.com

Friday Feb 28, 2025
Keeping It Real
Friday Feb 28, 2025
Friday Feb 28, 2025
EP. #312 - Keeping It Real, an interview with channeler and medium, Michelle Carpenter.
I am honored to welcome Michelle Carpenter to Empowering Chats with Susan Burrell. Michelle is a Spiritual Medium and a Channeler.
In this powerful chat we learn her story of trauma from a very young age and how she navigated that trauma by dis-associating from it.
As she reached her thirties, she began to investigate her life and her choices. It took a lot of hard work through counseling and facing her way of being in the world for her to heal.
Michelle recognizes that language is important, however just as important if not more so, is learning to speak from the heart. Michelle says heart to heart language means you show up with compassion and love and that is how we all get connected.
Learning to laugh through trauma or laugh at past experiences can also be very healing. Sometimes having a sense of humor is how we get through traumatic experiences.
Michelle is the direct channel for the Council of 8, Angelic beings of light. They are here to guide humanity in sharing Truth and Love.
Michelle and I also talked about humanity and learning to tune in to each other. Surrendering and letting go is perhaps the best path to walk in this year of 2025 where so much change is occurring at a rapid pace.
To learn more about Michelle please visit her website: MichCarpenter.com
To learn more about how I show up in the world visit: SusanBurrell.com

Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
Dynamic Neutrality
Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
EP. #311 - Dynamic Neutrality, A solo show and guided meditation with your host, Susan Burrell
I think it is time to quiet the inner critic. Not easy to do and something I think we could all benefit from.
As a light leader I am inviting all light leaders to explore their inner landscape and learn more about what it means to be a light leader.
In this podcast I chat about my upcoming Light Leader, Soul Growth Workshop and what it means to be a light leader and to grow your soul.
This Empowering Chat also features a guided meditation. As I prepared for this show and this meditation the phrase, “Dynamic Neutrality” dropped into my mind.
For me being dynamic, means something is in constant motion or always changing and moving. A dynamic flow of energy. I believe the infinite is always growing by means of us. If I am growing my soul, then the oneness of all is also growing.
So how does that compare to neutrality? I believe neutrality is that place where we find peace within. A detached sort of peace that brings calm.
Almost like being on the balance beam where you find the perfect balance so that you can move forward and not fall off.
To learn more about my upcoming Light Leader, Soul Growth Workshop visit:
To learn more about how I show up in the world visit: SusanBurrell.com

Friday Feb 14, 2025
Vibrational Attunement
Friday Feb 14, 2025
Friday Feb 14, 2025
EP. #310 - Vibrational Attunement, An Interview with author and intuitive empath, Penney Pierce.
I know I say this all the time but I am going to say it again. I am so blessed and lucky to have the job that I have and be on the leading edge of conversations with people doing the work and spreading their wisdom out in the world.In this episode of Empowering Chats, I have a heartfelt conversation with author and intuitive empath, Penney Pierce.
Our topic is Frequency and Vibration.
Penney is celebrating the 15-year anniversary of her book, Frequency, The Power of Personal Vibration. The book has been reissued with additional chapters and a new intro.
This is one of her best-selling books with an ever-popular subject. She believes, people are starting to get it and are understanding and knowing that we all vibrate at different levels. Our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies all have their own vibration. And the key is to reach attunement with all of these frequencies.
The planet also has it’s own vibrational frequency and many people on earth are beginning to become aware of this as well. The attunement happens in waves for many of us.
The key to accessing our frequency is to quiet the thinking brain, that side of ourselves that tries to create order and make sense of what is occurring in our physical plane. The body knows what to do and how to adapt to the frequency, we need to listen to that.
What really opens us according to Penney is to release the need for attention and identity and to allow yourself to be available and exposed so that the people and experiences you need to grow will find you. You draw what you need toward you and that’s how it happens. Trust and letting go is a big part of this growth process.
To learn more about Penney Pierce and to access all of her books visit: PenneyPeirce.com
Penney is also on the Substack Platform, under the title of Transformation Queen, see her writing at: SubStack.com/@transformationqueen
To learn more about I show up in the world visit: SusanBurrell.com

Friday Feb 07, 2025
Igniting Soul Growth
Friday Feb 07, 2025
Friday Feb 07, 2025
Ep #309 - Igniting Soul Growth - A Solo Show with Your Host, Susan Burrell
Join me for this solo show where I chat about the Journey of Soul Growth. I tap into the idea of opulence. And what that can call forth for you, including freedom, opportunity, flow of source and the high frequency of love.
So how do we grow our soul? It requires a focused energy of courage, enthusiasm, using inspiration to know what your inner guidance system is trying to tell you.
When we get challenges in our daily lives that seem insurmountable, that is a time for your soul to grow. The opportunity to grow on a deep inner level is always available to us. Once you commit to really knowing yourself and you begin to pay attention and listen then the growth can begin. And it does not always occur in small increments; sometimes it can be a sudden burst of energy and growth.
The opportunity for Soul Growth is vast.
Are you ready to receive? For me 2025 is all about focusing within. Taking the journey of soul growth, of oneness and soul value. I encourage all of you to become consciously aware of what you are putting your focus on.
I believe it is important that we lift up and raise up our frequency by turning towards light and love. I believe that is why we are here.
To learn more about my upcoming Light Leader Soul Growth Workshop and to Register please visit: SusanBurrell.com/light-leader-workshop-2025
To learn more about me and how I show up in the world please visit: SusanBurrell.com

Friday Jan 31, 2025
A Wave Of Peace
Friday Jan 31, 2025
Friday Jan 31, 2025
Ep #308 - A Wave of Peace - An Interview with Peace Messenger, David Wick
What an amazing time in history we are experiencing. I don't know about you guys but there are days I am unsure how to respond to all the chaos and unrest in the world and then on other days I am fascinated and so grateful for the people doing the hard work and bringing light to the world.
Here on Empowering Chats I get to meet and interview those people I call Light Leaders who are here to spread love, light and hope to everyone they meet. I am honored to welcome David Wick to Empowering Chats.
David calls himself a messenger of peace. And he walks the talk. He serves on the Council of Directors for the non-profit organization, Pathways to Peace. They are an international Peace-building, educational and consulting organization whose main goal is to foster Peace-builders and Peace-building activities in order to create a Culture of Peace.
In this chat David and I dive into the significance of individual and collective peace-building, riding the PeaceWave and taking part in the Peace Movement through the "Peace everyday at Noon," practice.
I believe we can never work too hard in bringing light and peace to our inner world and then shining out to the greater world. The work David and others are doing to this end is inspiring.
To learn more about David Wick and the Pathways to Peace visit: PathwaysToPeace.org
To learn more about the Peace 2030 Movement visit: Peace2030.earth
For more information about the Noetic Organization visit: Noetic.org
For more information about the United Nations International Day of Peace visit: UN.org/en/observances/international-day-peace
To learn more about me and how I show up in the world visit: SusanBurrell.com

Friday Jan 24, 2025
Moving Through Life with Peace & Grace
Friday Jan 24, 2025
Friday Jan 24, 2025
Ep #308 - Moving Through Life with Peace & Grace - An Interview with teacher of Practical Spirituality, Selena Maitreya
My guest for this episode of Empowering Chats is author and teacher of Practical Spirituality, Selina Maitreya. After a traumatic car accident Selina began to receive messages from her guides and channel messages that led to her writing a book, entitled, “Raise Your Frequency, Transform Your Life.”
Her book is a hands-on guide to cultivating a more conscious and spiritually present life. She talks about how moving from a low frequency to a high frequency is necessary in order to shift from negativity to a loving response. Being in awareness is the first step.
According to Selina it is all about noticing where we are at during any point in our daily life as we walk through our days. What we put our attention on grows. Through transformative practices we can become empowered to change any difficult situation into a tool to create peace.
In this chat we explore ways to respond to daily stress with the highest knowing so that transformation can occur and peace and love can become the way of response.
Selina will be hosting a 1-Day workshop and book reading in March in San Diego.
To learn more about the workshop visit: PracticalSpiritualityWithSelina.com/book-readings-workshops/
For more about Selina Maitreya and her book visit: PracticalSpiritualityWithSelina.com
To learn more about me and how I show up in the world visit: SusanBurrell.com

Saturday Jan 18, 2025
The Whistle-Stop Tour of Stoicism
Saturday Jan 18, 2025
Saturday Jan 18, 2025
Ep #307 - The Whistle-Stop Tour of Stoicism - An Interview with podcaster and author, Tanner Campbell
I am honored and excited to have Tanner Campbell on Empowering Chats and tease out the question of, “What is Stoicism?” Which also happens to be the title of the book he co-authored with Kai Whiting.
This year’s overarching theme for Empowering Chats is Soul Growth. And this podcast interview with Tanner I think is a wonderful way to kick off 2025.
To me Tanner’s book is like the “cliff notes” version of stoicism. The book illustrates an easy introduction to stoicism that is understandable, corrects stereotypes and defines it appropriately, rescuing it from the social media calamities circulating on the web.
To me stoicism feels like the cornerstone for humanity.
Stoicism is defined as An ancient Greek philosophy that is also a full and complete life philosophy.
The word stoic has undergone an odd transformation over time. Today, it is used to describe someone who is indifferent to pleasure or pain. In ancient times, however, a Stoic was a member of a philosophical school whose original members gathered in Athens at a painted colonnade — or stoa in Greek. The modern meaning of the word, for many, refers to stoic as cold and inhumane. In reality, Stoicism is a humanistic philosophy designed to help its practitioners find an inner peace that cannot be shaken or influenced by outer events.
The practice of stoicism is not about being right and the other person being wrong. It is a practice of questioning and it requires the individual to take responsibility for their life, their actions and then to look inward for answers.
Tanner also has his own podcast entitled, Practical Stoicism where he prompts his listeners to ask themselves daily questions so as to get the process going of living a stoic life. To listen to his podcast visit: StoicismPod.com
To purchase his book "What is Stoicism?" visit: WhatIsStoicismBook.com
To learn more about Tanner's co-author, Kai Whiting visit: StoicKai.com
To learn more about how I show up in the world visit: SusanBurrell.com

Friday Jan 10, 2025
Natural Magic
Friday Jan 10, 2025
Friday Jan 10, 2025
Ep #306 - Natural Magic - An Interview with shamanic practitioner, Jonathan Hammond
I am honored and thrilled to welcome shamanic practitioner and author of, “The Shaman’s Mind” Jonathan Hammond to Empowering Chats.
Jonathan does not readily identify with the title of “shaman” ; he prefers natural healer. Nature plays a big part in his life. It (nature) is the teacher and the co-creator, and according to Jonathan we have a lot to learn from nature.
Our chat focuses on ancient wisdom that has surrounded shamans and the way they look at the world – which is universal to many of us. The basic belief is that our thoughts do create our reality.
Jonathan talks about the practice of living your life as though you are “walking a shamanic path” within your current environment. This is where natural magic occurs. It is about self-advocacy, and knowing you are growing and evolving because you are part of one grand organism. We all are. The external world (nature) is in support of you and others.
When living life from that perspective you open yourself up to all that is presented to you.
Jonathan believes that our road back to ourselves is the love of home and the love of the feminine. This is where we live, where our true soul resides. I echo these sentiments.
In this powerful chat Jonathan and I touch on many wisdoms including that we have choice and it often leads to life, growth and evolution.
To learn more about Jonathan Hammond visit: MindBodySpiritMaui.com
For more information on his book, The Shaman's Mind, visit: MindBodySpiritMaui.com/the-shamans-mind/
To learn more about how I show up on the world visit: SusanBurrell.com