Join Susan and gather some empowering life skills to find your inner freedom, radiate your personal brilliance and live a rich and opulent life. Susan helps strong, capable women who have pockets of self doubt, access their inner wisdom and clarify their Truths. Susan’s personal journey of removing energetic blocks within herself, tearing down barriers to personal success and happiness and building an inner foundation of love and courage, informs every conversation.Having come from a background in television and broadcast radio, Susan brings thought provoking guests to her show, asking the question of “How do you live an empowered life filled with freedom and happiness?” The conversations are always rich, peppered with guided meditations, mantras and the how-tos of living a mindful life. To learn more about Susan check out her website: SusanBurrell.com

Friday Jan 03, 2025
Soul Growth
Friday Jan 03, 2025
Friday Jan 03, 2025
Ep #305 - Soul Growth - A solo show with your host, Susan Burrell
As I sat to contemplate this year and get ready for 2025 I realized I was trying too hard to get excited about this year of 2025. And I also recognized that I am holding pieces of fear. Pieces that I intend to look at closely to better understand why this is showing up.
And so here is what we are looking at for Empowering Chats for this year. Soul Growth. These two words kept dropping into my body as I was preparing for this year. So, Soul Growth is our overarching theme for Empowering Chats with Susan Burrell for the year of 2025. I feel this is so spot on for both my personal life and for my podcast.
I believe that life and nature have a way of illuminating those things we need to pay attention to in our life. For me dragonflies are a sign of transformation. As I prepared for this podcast and for my intention for 2025, dragonflies began to show up for me. So pay attention to them. I think they will show up as a guidance system and as a way to lead us into transformation.
Transforming from the inside out requires that we continue to do our deep inner work. Meditating, walking in nature, journaling, taking creative classes or reading an inspiring book are all ways for us to dig deep and explore our inner landscape. And something that works for me is to continue to ask myself, Who am I now? I encourage you to do the same.
The inner work requires us to listen to our heart and choose to be more awake and lead from a place of light and love.
The fear, the anger, the being critical of others is really about what we are feeling inside of ourselves. So, I gotta ask – What are you afraid of? What is showing up for you? Are you afraid of what is showing up?
What if you fully embody the love that you are? Perhaps by doing so, the judgement, the critical eye we focus on outside of ourselves, will begin to diminish. What if instead we looked within to discern where those dark pockets are? And then we forgive ourselves.
Part of Soul Growth is all about forgiveness. It must start with us first, with The Individual. If every individual did this inner work, then the outside world becomes a better place. All the chaos and stuff we are having reactions to will begin to diminish and transform – just like the dragonfly.
To learn more about how I show up in the world I invite you to visit my website: SusanBurrell.com

Friday Dec 20, 2024
A Story of Hope for This Holiday Season
Friday Dec 20, 2024
Friday Dec 20, 2024
Ep #304 - A Story of Hope for This Holiday Season - featuring an interview with veteran and inspirational speaker, Jason Morgan
As I close out 2024 my team and I have been talking about our theme for 2025. And we have landed on Soul Growth as our overarching message for this upcoming year.
I am bringing this up now because my team and I decided to replay a show I recorded in 2021 with veteran, inspirational speaker and author Jason Morgan. His story is all about soul growth and facing life challenges with a "can do" attitude. Jason was injured in the line of duty and came home a paraplegic.
During his recovery, Jason was introduced to the non-profit organization Canine Companions for Independence (CCI) and it became a life-saver for him. With their help he was paired with a service dog to assist him in living an independent life. His first canine companion service dog, Napal, is the one featured in his book, A Dog Called Hope.
I strongly encourage you to listen to the words of this very special man and his story or courage, hope and inspiration.
In June of 1999, Jason Morgan was deployed to South America on a counter narcotics mission. His life was changed forever in the remote area of Ecuador when during an altercation with drug traffickers, his driver lost control of their SUV causing it to launch off the road into a steep ravine. Jason was ejected from the car and suffered a crushed spine. He was left for dead, drowning with his face submerged in swampy water, but then a miracle occurred. An American missionary working on radio towers in the area came upon the scene and saved Jason’s life.
Two months later Jason awoke from a coma with no immediate recollection of what had happened. He was told by doctors it was a miracle he had survived. However, as a result of his extensive injuries he was also told he would never walk again.
Jason has since developed a special creed to offer hope to others who have been tragically injured: “I’ve tried to live my life by offering hope and renewed strength to those who have suffered a tragic injury or disability. Life may not be better or worse, but it will be different and I want to show them by example that you can live a productive life. And a life of purpose no matter what condition you’re in. You need to focus on your ability, not your disability.”
Today, Jason Morgan continues to use his story to motivate groups and individuals. Discussions are now underway for the book to become a major motion picture. Jason remarried on April 24, 2021 and has five boys. Jason, Kim and his dog, Yago now reside in Nevada, Texas.
To learn more about Jason Morgan visit his website: ssgtjasonmorgan.com
To order his book, A Dog Called Hope visit: barnesandnoble.com
To learn more about A Dog Called Hope visit: ssgtjasonmorgan.com/a-dog-called-hope-my-book
To listen to past podcasts and learn about how I show up in the world visit: SusanBurrell.com

Friday Dec 06, 2024
Endings & Beginnings
Friday Dec 06, 2024
Friday Dec 06, 2024
Ep #303 - Endings & Beginnings - A Solo Show with your host, Susan Burrell
This is my last episode of Empowering Chats for 2024. Every year the time seems to be floating past faster and faster. As my team and I close out another year of podcasting I am contemplating endings and beginnings, and so it felt appropriate to tackle that subject in this podcast.
How do we anticipate endings and beginnings? Is it with joyful anticipation or with trepidation? Does it depend on what is ending or beginning? How often do you find yourself resisting the end or the beginning of something coming toward you?
This grand life we are living is always in flux and flowing in many different directions. And on a daily basis we are hit with endings and beginnings, some so small they go unnoticed. It's the big changes that throw most of us off balance. So when I am aware of a big change coming my way, whether it's an ending to something or the beginning of something new, I often ask myself, "What is it that I need to know?" And then I go silent and listen for the answer.
The answer by the way is not always a clearly spelled out response. In order to "hear" what I need to know it requires going into my heart space. We live in a dynamic universe filled with so much potential and so much love. And it's all there for us to lean into and explore with curiosity and wonder.
I challenge you during this season of giving to go within. Into your heart space to listen to what it is you need to know. The gift of oneness is there for all of us to take a hold of and learn from.
As Empowering Chats closes out 2024 and welcomes in 2025 (an ending and a beginning) I am excited to share that our theme for Empowering Chats for next year will be "Soul Growth." Are you ready to explore more of who you are and how you want to show up in the world? Let's do this together.
To listen to previous podcasts about the gifts of giving visit:
To learn more about how I show up in the world visit: SusanBurrell.com

Friday Nov 29, 2024
Who Are You Now?
Friday Nov 29, 2024
Friday Nov 29, 2024
Ep #302 - Who Are You Now? - A featured interview with Susan Burrell on The Building Confidence Podcast with host, Amanda Hennessey
This show was recorded in 2020. I was honored to be invited by host Amanda Hennessey to be on her podcast, Building Confidence and it felt like perfect timing to repurpose this show for Empowering Chats.
In this podcast I share about letting go of resentment, what becoming consciously aware looks like, and the highs and lows of being an empath.
I also open up about the intense challenges I faced during and after my divorce, and how I learned to build my own confidence back up. I had to dig deep into my inner strength and power, learn to trust myself and others, and create a new rewarding life dedicated to helping others.
And I elaborate on masculine vs. feminine energy, and how the world is experiencing a Divine Feminine Energy, which forces each of us to take stock of our lives, and re-evaluate our priorities, values and goals.
To learn more about how I show up in the world please visit: SusanBurrell.com
To learn more about Amanda Hennessey and check out her podcast visit: https://buildingconfidence.libsyn.com/episode-31-who-am-i-now

Friday Nov 22, 2024
Friday Nov 22, 2024
Friday Nov 22, 2024
Ep #301 - Believe - An Interview with Author Liliane Fortna
I am so honored to welcome author Liliane Fortna back to Empowering Chats. Lilane is here to chat about her children’s book, The Four Santas.
It is an uplifting story infused with beautiful energy.
As a visionary, Liliane is able to see and feel the wonder of life and its beautiful treasures. In this enchanting story she invites her readers to explore life’s hidden magic. Her goal is to bring positive stories to people, especially children. It’s about love and extending love as a gift, and about accepting each other with admiration for the differences we hold.
Young Charlie is at the center of this magical story which celebrates the Christmas Season with a heartwarming new take on Santa Claus. It is perfect for children ages 5-10.
Liliane had a tough childhood that did not include the celebration of Christmas and when her son was born, she made a vow to that he would only know Christmas as a time of love, joy and inclusion. The Four Santas is the first of several tales she intends to publish that are about the magical creatures of the holiday season.
To learn more about Liliane Fortna visit: LilianeFortna.com
To purchase her children’s book, The Four Santas visit: LilianeFortna.com/the4santas
To learn more about her book, Winks from Above visit:WinksFromAbove.com/
To learn more about me and how I show up in the world visit: SusanBurrell.com

Friday Nov 15, 2024
Leading with Light
Friday Nov 15, 2024
Friday Nov 15, 2024
Ep #300 - Leading with Light - An interview with Therese Tucker a Modern Mystic
My guest for this episode of Empowering Chats is Therese Tucker. Therese is a Modern Mystic with many gifts. In this chat we tap into several topics including how the role of modern leadership is changing.
We both agree that we must always lead with light and love. This new way of leading, in my estimation, has to lean into the light. I believe this is the only way to reach our highest potential.
This powerful chat with Therese sheds light on how we as individuals can make changes in our day to day lives that will resonate out to the world. On a micro and macro level.
Therese is also an author and an energy practitioner. Her book is entitled, “Confidence of Magic.” Her passion is helping people to activate their intuition and develop their self-trust. When doubt creeps in is when we can begin to sabotage ourselves.
This is where “tough” love and reinforcement that we can do the hard things comes into play. Therese shares her thoughts regarding the cycles our souls experience here on earth so that we can grow our souls and learn the lessons we are here to learn.
The gems shared in this interview are amazing and worth leaning into – it may even take a second and third listen to absorb all that we unwrap in our chat.
To learn more about Therese Tucker and the work she does visit: BlytheStarlight.com
To learn more about how I show up in the world visit: SusanBurrell.com

Friday Nov 08, 2024
Speaking Your Truth
Friday Nov 08, 2024
Friday Nov 08, 2024
Ep #299 - Speaking Your Truth - An interview with Kate Rose an author and astrologer
Welcome listeners to another Empowering Chat with Susan Burrell. This episode had me cooing and ahh-ing everywhere.
I am delighted to introduce my guest, author and astrologer, Kate Rose. Her latest book is entitled, Written in the Stars, The Astrology of Soulmate, Karmic and Twin Flame Relationships.
Kate calls herself a Spiritual Astrologer. She points out that the difference between what she does and what a trained astrologer does lies within the reading itself. When she does a reading, she digs up what is lying underneath the obvious. Like our childhood wounds, our successes and challenges and our family ties.
She looks at the entire life, at the person’s relationships, she goes deeper by asking, Why are you on this path?
Kate uses her heart, her hands and her mind to channel the message and to find the truth that the client is seeking, which she says is the whole point of the journey.
The Preface of Kate’s book opens with a letter to the reader. I was personally really caught, in a good way, by this letter, which reads in part: “You have never given up hope. You have never let your internal light become extinguished no matter how deep the darkness that you walked through. You have become a warrior in these moments, not just for love but for the truth. You know within the fabric of your being that you are meant for more, that love exists, and just because you have not had love work out in the past that does not mean it cannot happen in the future.”
Kate’s overall message is one of trust. And trusting yourself to feel what is occurring and allow for those feelings to show up.
Her book is insightful, beautifully written and offers empowering affirmations to help on the road of self-discovery.
To learn more about Kate and the work she does visit: WordsOfKateRose.com
To purchase her Book, Written in the Stars: WordsOfKateRose.com/bookskaterose
To learn more about how I show up in the world visit: SusanBurrell.com

Thursday Oct 31, 2024
The Golden Ray of Light
Thursday Oct 31, 2024
Thursday Oct 31, 2024
Ep #298 - The Golden Ray of Light - A Solo Show, featuring a guided meditation by your host, Susan Burrell
With the 2024 election days away I feel called to lead you, my listeners, on a grounding meditation to allow for peace and love to occupy our collective space. Before I began the recording, I pulled two of my affirmation cards.
The first one stated: I am courageous and strong. And the second one stated: I am one with life. I am safe at all times. The world is safe and friendly. I am at peace with life.
I am always amazed when I do this practice because the exact right message always seems to show up. So, perhaps the world does not feel so safe and friendly right now particularly with so much fear swirling around but I do believe in a safe and friendly world.
And so, I invite you to listen to this guided meditation and allow your whole being to take in the words, the underlying messages and the love that is being communicated through the air waves.
As light leaders I believe we are here to hold a high frequency of love and to elevate our own conscious awareness so that by doing so we also elevate the conscious awareness of our planet. We are all connected.
To learn more about me and how I chose to show up in the world visit: SusanBurrell.com

Friday Oct 25, 2024
The Return of the Archetypes
Friday Oct 25, 2024
Friday Oct 25, 2024
Ep #297 - The Return of the Archetypes - An Interview Co-Authors, Amit Goswami & Valentina Onisor
I am honored to welcome a colleague and former teacher of mine when I was studying for my Masters Program, Amit Goswami. He joins me for this Empowering Chat along with Valentina Onisor. Together they have co-authored a book called, The Return of the Archetypes.
In this powerful chat we look at what it means to live a life of meaning and purpose. According to both Amit and Valentina, our job is to balance the positive and the negative. We live in an era of quick fixes, information overload and consumerism. This is all part of the human condition.
There are steps we can take to become aware of the obstacles that we are up against. Amit and Valentina’s book sheds light on the work we can do to discover our mission in this life. And tapping into the archetypes is one tool available to all of us. It’s about allowing and seeing how those archetypes embody the divine attributes. Attributes like, love, understanding, integrity, kindness, etc. The more we can cultivate the divine virtues and values in our life is when things can begin to change.
Valentina feels that one of the best places to start is with The Enneagram, a personality theory that classifies people into nine personality types based on their core motivation, desires and fears. By understanding your personality and the filters in which you view life you can then become aware and have access to all parts of yourself, including your soul.
The ultimate power resides in the heart. It takes courage to tap into that power and allow that to show up for you and to lead from that space.
To learn more about Amit Goswami visit: AmitGoswami.org
To purchase the book on Amazon visit: https://a.co/d/jkT601h
To listen to previous interviews I had with Amit Goswami please visit: EmpoweringChatsWithSusanBurrell.podbean.com/e/susan-chats-with-dr-amit-goswami-about-quantum-activism/
and from my Radio Show, Living Your Inspired Life: https://youtu.be/4Pepecs8IFo?feature=shared
To learn more about how I show up in the world please visit: SusanBurrell.com

Monday Oct 21, 2024
Hope in the Uncertainty
Monday Oct 21, 2024
Monday Oct 21, 2024
Ep #296 - Hope in the Uncertainty - An Interview with Medium, Hollister Rand
I am so excited to share this fun and insightful conversation of Empowering Chats with my guest Hollister Rand.
All of my circuits are lit up. Hollister is a medium and the author of, "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Afterlife but were Afraid to Ask.”
In this chat, Hollister and I dive into interesting topics and this new state of awareness of how we live, not only here but in the afterlife.
I received Hollister’s book as a gift from one of my students and after reading it I knew I had to have her on Empowering Chats.
She describes the difference between Mediums and Psychics as follows: Mediums and Psychics can often get the same kinds of information but the source is different. Psychics get their information from people, places and things here on this earth plan. Whereas Mediums connect with spirits, spirit guides, angels, pets and those that have passed on to the other side.
Hollister believes that more of our ancestors are making themselves known to people now because we are reaching out more and doing the ask. And having organizations like Ancestry.com and 23 and Me gives us the tools we need to reach out. And for this reason, Hollister believes tribes and more ancestors are showing up in the spirit world and making themselves known to loved ones on earth’s plane.
Hollister also shares that when you are aligned with spirit you don’t have to figure out your life. The strategy for your life changes. Her direct quote is to “Live in confidence of the next step.” It’s not about knowing it’s about having the confidence to take the next step.
Hope lies in the uncertainty. This is a direct message that Hollister received from spirit. This is where the best can happen by allowing the possibilities to present themselves and not limiting ourselves by our own self-doubt.
Hollister calls this place of all possibilities “The Place of No Fragments.” And I’d like to share a quote from her book that supports the place of no fragments:
“A place where everything fits together, where it all makes sense, where we not only see the big picture but are also an integral part of it. Sounds as though this oneness is what spirits want to share with us. One puzzle piece at a time.”
Ultimately Hollister feels that love is the answer. We have heard it so many times. And this is a love that we are only beginning to understand, the love of self. Because only from that spring of self-love can we spread love to everyone else on this planet.
To learn more about Hollister Rand visit: HollisterRand.com
To purchase her book on Amazon, Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Afterlife visit: https://a.co/d/9lgNwRl
To help you get in touch with your Spirit Guides I invite you to listen to my guided meditation entitled, “Meeting Your Spirit Guides” by following this link: InsightTimer.com/SusanBurrell/guided-meditations/meeting-your-spirit-guide
To learn more about how I show up in the world please visit: SusanBurrell.com